What Does the "Read 1" Mean in Line Chat?

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verb (used with object), read [red], /rɛd/, read·ing [ree-ding]. /ˈri dɪŋ/.

to look at carefully then as to understand the meaning of (something written, printed, etc.): to read a book; to read music.

to utter aloud or render in speech (something written, printed, etc.): reading a story to his children; The histrion read his lines in a booming vox.

to take such knowledge of (a language) equally to be able to sympathize things written in it: to exist able to read French.

to apprehend the meaning of (signs, characters, etc.) otherwise than with the eyes, as by means of the fingers: to read Braille.

to auscultate or interpret the meaning of (gestures, movements, signals, or the similar): to read a semaphore; to read sign language.

to make out the significance of past scrutiny or observation: to read the cloudy sky as the threat of a storm; a fisherman skilled in reading a stream for potential pools.

to anticipate, look, or summate by observation: At the line of scrimmage, the quarterback read a rush and called an audible.

to foresee, foretell, or predict: to read a person's fortune in tea leaves.

to brand out the character, motivations, desires, etc., of (a person or persons), equally by the interpretation of outward signs.

to translate or attribute a meaning to (a written text), a musical limerick, etc.): How exercise y'all read this clause in the contract?

to infer (something not expressed or direct indicated) from what is read, considered, or observed: He read an underlying sarcasm into her letter. In your silence I read understanding to my plan.

to prefer or give equally a reading in a item passage: For "one m" another version reads "x thousand."

to substitute or replace (a particular word or phrase) in a written text, usually to right an error: Read "cavalry" for "calvary."

to check (printers' proofs, copy, etc.) for errors; proofread.

to register or indicate, equally a thermometer, clock, etc.

Computers. to obtain (data, programs, or command data) from an external storage medium or some other source and identify in retention.

British. to study (a discipline), as at a university: to read law.

to read the piece of work of (an writer): She is reading Kafka.

to larn by or as if by reading: to read a person's thoughts.

to hear and sympathise (a transmitted radio bulletin or the person transmitting information technology); receive: I read you lot loud and clear.

to bring, put, etc., by reading: to read oneself to slumber.

to give 1 (a lecture or lesson) by mode of admonition or rebuke.

to discover or explain the meaning of (a riddle, dream, etc.).

verb (used without object), read [red], /rɛd/, read·ing [ree-ding]. /ˈri dɪŋ/.

to read or peruse written or printed matter.

to utter aloud or render in speech written or printed words that one is perusing: to read to a person.

to give a public reading or recital.

to inspect and apprehend the pregnant of written or other signs or characters.

to occupy oneself seriously with reading or study.

to obtain cognition or learn of something past reading.

to admit of existence read, especially properly or well.

to accept a certain wording.

to admit of being interpreted: a rule that reads in two different ways.

to annals or bespeak particular information, as the condition or condition of something: Her blood pressure is reading a trivial depression today.

to have an effect or brand an impression; testify forth: Those battle photographs read with swell bear upon.

Computers. to read information, programs, or control information.


an act or example of reading: Give the understanding a careful read earlier you sign information technology.

something that is read: Her new novel is a wonderful read.

Verb Phrases

read in, Computers. to identify (data, programs, or control information) in retention.

read out,

  1. to read aloud, equally for someone's attending.
  2. Computers. to recall (information) from a computer.

read out of, to oust from membership in (a political party or other group) by a public proclamation of dismissal: He was read out of the association considering of alleged subversive activities.

read upwardly on, to learn about by reading; gather information on; research past reading: You'd amend read up on World War I before taking the history examination.




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Idioms about read

Origin of read


First recorded before 900; Middle English reden, read(en), reid(e), Old English rǣdan "to counsel, read"; cognate with Dutch raden, High german raten, Old Norse rātha; alike to Sanskrit rādhnoti "(he) achieves"; see also rede, riddleane

Words nearby read

reactive schizophrenia, reactive thrust, reactivity, reactor, reactor vessel, read, readability, readable, read-across, read a lecture, read between the lines

Other definitions for read (two of 3)


having knowledge gained past reading (unremarkably used in combination): a well-read person.

Origin of read


First recorded in 1570–lxxx; by participle of read1

Other definitions for read (3 of three)


George, 1733–98, American politician: served in the Continental Congress 1774–77.

Sir Herbert, 1893–1968, English critic and poet.

a male given name: from an Old English word meaning "ruddy."

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random Firm Entire Lexicon, © Random Firm, Inc. 2022

How to apply read in a judgement

British Lexicon definitions for read (one of 2)

verb reads, reading or read (rɛd)

to cover the pregnant of (something written or printed) by looking at and interpreting the written or printed characters

to be occupied in such an activeness he was reading all day

(when tr , oftentimes foll past out) to wait at, interpret, and speak aloud (something written or printed) he read to us from the Bible

(tr) to interpret the significance or meaning of through scrutiny and recognition he read the heaven and predicted pelting; to read a map

(tr) to interpret or understand the meaning of (signs, characters, etc) other than by visual means to read Braille

(tr) to accept sufficient noesis of (a language) to understand the written or printed discussion practice you lot read German language?

(tr) to discover or make out the true nature or mood of to read someone's mind

to translate or sympathise (something read) in a specified way, or (of something read) to convey a detail meaning or impression I read this speech equally satire; this book reads well

(tr) to adopt equally a reading in a particular passage for ``boon'' read ``os''

(intr) to take or contain a certain form or wording the sentence reads as follows

to undertake a course of study in (a field of study) to read history; read for the bar

to gain knowledge by reading he read well-nigh the state of war

(tr) to register, signal, or show the meter reads 100

(tr) to bring or put into a specified condition by reading to read a child to sleep

(tr) to hear and understand, esp when using a two-way radio nosotros are reading you loud and clear

computing to obtain (data) from a storage device, such as magnetic tape Compare write (def. 16)

(tr) to understand (written or printed music) by interpretation of the notes on the staff and to be able to reproduce the musical sounds represented by these notes

read a lesson or read a lecture informal to censure or reprimand, esp in a long-winded manner

read between the lines to perceive or deduce a pregnant that is hidden or implied rather than existence openly stated

you wouldn't read about information technology Australian informal an expression of dismay, cloy, or disbelief


matter suitable for reading this new book is a very proficient read

the human action of reading

Word Origin for read

Old English rǣdan to advise, explain; related to Old Frisian rēda, Old Loftier High german rātan, Gothic garēdan

British Lexicon definitions for read (2 of two)


the by tense and past participle of read ane


having knowledge gained from books (esp in the phrases widely read, well-read)

have something every bit read to accept something for granted equally a fact; sympathise or presume

Collins English Lexicon - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with read

In add-on to the idioms beginning with read

  • read a lecture
  • read between the lines
  • read into
  • read like an open book
  • read out of
  • read someone'due south mind
  • read the riot act
  • read up

besides encounter:

  • do yous read me
  • open book, read like an

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor.

What Does the "Read 1" Mean in Line Chat?

Source: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/read

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